The main content of this site.
Only JVC members are eligible to enter this site.
Please log in with your ID number and Password.
The list will be constantly updated upon arrival of new cars.
Please feel free to inquire if you find a car you are interested in.
Using “Offer / Inquiry” button right above the car detail box is the easiest way to get a reply from us.
The list prices are in FOB KOBE.
The popular content of this site.
Only JVC members are eligible to enter this site.
Please log in with your ID number and Password.
The list will be constantly updated upon arrival of new cars.
Please bid on cars of interest to you. You may be able to purchase cars at better prices.
If you use “Automatic Bidding”, it will be easier and faster for you to participate in the auction.
Refer to the Auction Guide in the auction site for further information.
The list prices are in FOB KOBE.
Only JVC members are eligible to enter this site.
Please log in with your ID number and Password.
If you don’t find a car of interest in our Stock List and Auction, Please utilize the content.
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